Move Fast & Don't Break Things

SourceField gives dev teams the superpower to know when they are about to ship a bug - not how many lines of code have changed. SourceField's code intelligence platform analyzes your code change, who & what is affected, and then highlights that on every Pull Request.

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Imagine a world where code reviews are fun, productive, and increase quality without a burden...

You must defeat the villains in path

Risk Score

SourceField's Risk Score enables you to know if the code change is going to wreak havoc by causing bugs. Code changes aren't about the number of changed lines, it's about the number of affected components, the code quality, and who/what you are affecting. Every code change you make is automatically analyzed in seconds - letting you and your team know if it's a "go or no-go" to ship.

Stop shipping bugs - start shipping products!

This is the default text value

See it in Action

Risk Score

SourceField's Rules Engine gives you the power to automate everything you could dream of if you could be everywhere all the time.

SourceField's Rules Engine gives you the power to automate everything you could dream of if you could be everywhere all the time.

The possibilities are endless; thanks to our Rules Templates, they are easy to spin up on in seconds.

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Code Intelligence

SourceField's Code Intelligence is constantly learning about you and your code to eliminate bugs from shipping. We know what parts of the code base is stable, all of your code dependencies, and how likely your code is to have bugs.

With every commit, SourceField scans the change and updates it's "map of your (code) world". Instead of spending hours understanding who and what you are affecting, or how long the code review will take, SourceField can tell you how many minutes the review will take, and where you should focus your time.

Built from Code Intelligence platforms at Tesla, MLB, Stripe, Chase Bank, and more.

See it in Action

Risk Score

SourceField's Rules Engine gives you the power to automate everything you could dream of if you could be everywhere all the time.

SourceField's Rules Engine gives you the power to automate everything you could dream of if you could be everywhere all the time.

The possibilities are endless; thanks to our Rules Templates, they are easy to spin up on in seconds.

See it in Action

The proof is in the pudding.

Teams that use SourceField are more-effective - increasing shipping velocity and reducing the number of bugs that ship.  They known when #$@!%'s going to break and they can finally prevent it!

Dev Velocity
Commits Analyzed
Time Debugging
<10 min
Setup Time
Principal Software Engineer
Invisible Technologies

"SourceField solves the hardest part of code reviews - trying to understand what the hell the dev was thinking!"

Jing Conan Wang

"I'm twice as fast at PR reviews now with SourceField. This is the most-frequent thing I use during code reviews."

Adam Frankl
Fmr. VP Marketing

Devs lack context into changes - but GitHub isn't fixing the problem, they're making it worse! SourceField is giving devs context at the most crucial point in software development.

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